Today I just happened upon Waco, TX local downtown farmers market. Despite temps well over 100º and high humidity, this place was busy and cheerful. This mainly locals hangout is situated along the banks of the Brazos river in a…
Smudge Sticks
I use a smudge stick often in my home, in my Reiki practice and my office space. Smudging is used to help clear the room of any negative or stagnant energies. It is essential to have my healing space cleared…
A Typical Reiki Session with Blair
What can you expect? Well, there is no “typical” session, and that is part of the beauty and mystery of Reiki. It is a experience that begins as soon as you arrive and it unfolds exactly as it is meant to unfold…
Harvesting Linden Flower Video
Tilia spp. is the botanical name for Linden. The dried flowers (sweet and sticky) are used mostly for colds, flu, coughs, fever, infections, inflammation, migraines, cramping, sore throat, anxiety and as a sleep aid. The effects are sedative, antispasmodic, diuretic…
Backyard Herb Identification & Do It Yourself Natural Lip Balm Videos
Take a quick spin through the herbs in Blair’s garden. Maybe you’ll recognize some herbs in your own! Blair shows you how to create your own natural lip balms in your kitchen!
My Garden, My Home
People tell me all the time that I must have a beautiful garden. And, I do.