The Boulder Farmers Market “Marathon”

The Boulder Farmers Market “Marathon” is not a new race to add to your calendar. For those of us who participate in the farmers market voted the #1 market in the country, it feels like a marathon at times! Starting this Saturday April 2nd at 8am-2pm, it begins thirty-three weeks of snow, sun, wind, heat, cold… Preparing and making product during the week. On Saturday, loading up in darkness and setting up with cold hands. On our feet for seven hours, interacting, selling, and educating everyone on the Blair’s Herbals line. At the sound of the market closing bell at 2PM, closing down and packing up. Finally at home, grabbing a bite to eat before laying on the earth, closing my eyes–taking a few moments to recover from a big day.

Boulder Farmers MarketWe compete with Creek Festivals, Yoga festivals, CU and BHS graduations, athletic events… Celebrating Mother’s Day, Memorial and Labor days, Carrot days and more. It is a unique and wonderful experience. It is a community offering. Connecting people to good local food and wholesome fun twice a week. If you haven’t been in awhile, please come and see how we have grown and who is there. And, if you do come every week or so, we thank you for your business and for your effort to keep the farmers going in all directions to bring you fresh farm food and flowers, self care essentials and more.

There is nothing quite like the Boulder Farmers Market. The people. The surprises. Yes, I was surprised a few times last year with a “free the nipple” parade (I’m not kidding) that came right down the middle of the street. Come to the Farmers Market for the samples of radishes and carrots, apples and goat cheese, salsas and more. Come for fresh peaches (but plan on coming really early to get the first picks and before they run out). Market is a geat place to connect; to shop; to hang out and enjoy. For some, it is family.

Bath Salt Infusion Bags

Bath Salt Infusion Bags

I know some people struggle to make it part of their rhythm. I hear complaints that it is expensive and that parking can be a hassle, but there is no price on the connection the farmers have with their land, their food, and their community. Every Saturday they show up so you can have fresh food. Even late in the season around Thanksgiving, they are there for you.

I am proud to call my self a farmer. Actually, I am a farm crafter. My commitment to my herbs and backyard gardens is priceless too. Working with the plants to bring you the freshest and most life giving products to nourish your skin and soul. After thinking about food, it is natural to think about what we put on our bodies. That is the real impulse behind starting the Blair’s Herbals CSA (“Care of Self Always”) subscription service. Find out more about what I do by exploring more of my site – I look forward to hearing what you look for in your approach to wellbeing.Blair's Herbals CSA Kit

We are about to embark on another Farmers Market ride! Buckle up and join us as we exercise and put on our market faces. Cheer us on throughout the season. Allow us to care for your needs in one fun stop shop.

Welcome 2016 BCFM!!!

Learn more about the Boulder County Farmers Market locations »