Astrologically Speaking

Who am I? What am I here to do? A second Saturn return? Mercury in retrograde? Are these good things or not?

Questions like these are ones I frequently wonder about and I have discovered that astrology can be a tool for offering insights as to why I am struggling in my work or relationships, for example. I wanted to learn more about connecting to those starry realms in a more conscious way so I took a beginners class recently. And now I have just enough information to make me think I know what I am talking about—I can tell you my sun, moon and rising sign 🙂

Astrology has always interested me for the tool that it is—for the wonderment of knowing that planets, at the time of our birth, can and do give us an understanding of their influences on our personality, work, relationships and purpose. The planets have energies and the houses that they appear in also have meaning. So, personally knowing that I have 6 planets in Earth signs (most in my 6th house or in Virgo) can say a lot about my love of nature, the way I think and move in my life. I came here to learn Virgo apparently. And I am reconciling that I am a messy Virgo— unconventional, free flowing and not traditional. I know I should be neat. I am finally accepting that I am not! I am clean—just not anal. I am organized with my lists, am critical and judgmental at times, have an over active mind, am loyal, hard working and those other virtuous Virgo traits but neat? Not so much. I fall short. And yet, I am efficient with my time cleaning and I know where everything is mostly. I appreciate clean. I just can’t clean the very pan I used before I sit down to enjoy a meal. That is what I think of when I think of someone who is a true true Virgo.

Star gazing has offered a window into myself that allows me to consider my uniqueness not as a failure or burden but rather as awareness and opportunity for engagement in self improvement or understanding. How can I shift or hang in while the planets overhead are doing their thing? Can I get to tune in to the lessons I am here to learn? Well…. those are topics for another time.

I just enjoy having as many tools in my toolbox to work with when life throws the ol’ fashioned curve ball or I notice it is a bumpy ride. My personality preference is a heads up—I’m not so keen on surprises. Planet placements and transits can bring more or less intensity to my life and I want to be working together (co-creatively and consciously) rather than getting the cosmic 2×4.

In tropical or western astrology that focuses on the seasons, my sun sign is Virgo and it is Pluto on my sun that brings me close to great intensity and powerful themes of death and transformation. I enjoy going deep and into shadow work and this in turn I have learned can make others feel uncomfortable. It is a rich juicy landscape of curiosity and a frontier of sorts to delve into the unknown and get tumbled a bit and have to find my footing again to get in touch with me or what I know to be me. Grief, loss, compassion, anger are emotions I dance with often. I am not afraid to travel into this realm with others and that is why I enjoy the healing work that I offer through my Reiki services.

Mercury and other planets snuggle in this 6th house of perfection, roundedness, self criticism and love of details. I sit on the Earth a lot, walk barefoot amongst the trees and gravitate towards meandering creeks always on the lookout for animals big and small. So it is not a great surprise that I value the plants that deepen my herbal curiosity and have been the foundational inspiration for my Herbal business and my connection with the natural world that over the years. I still honor and have the deepest gratitude for the elementals and nature spirits. I had envisioned connecting people to this magical realm through skin care products. For the moment, production of salves and infused oils are on hold.

And, that I enjoy creating Art and appreciating the beauty around me is something that a skilled astrologer sees clearly. As many of you know, my regular exploration with watercolors is my out breath and to find relief and joy. Look for my latest creations on IPaintLifeStudio Instagram or reach out. I have many unframed pieces just waiting for a new life in your home.

An astrology reading around the time of my birthday supports my imagination, inspiration and intuition. It helps me look ahead to the coming year with a curiosity. I don’t let it rule the way I live, but when I do look back over the years, I can see where it has been more telling and true. Anyway, it is important to not take things too seriously and to have fun. I find fun here for me and most importantly, it can help me to come back home to myself with a lightness that is so needed.