Letting Go

Here was the day I knew was coming and yet…. I could never be prepared for the transition about to happen. My oldest son going off to college. Whoo hooo and oh my gosh – he has grown up and is leaving the nest. I am swimming in a sea of emotions and thoughts and practicality as he is now days away from leaving.

LeviHow well is he prepared for this next phase? Can he keep a room clean, do his own laundry and manage his time? Take care of his health, make good choices, cook for himself, get sleep? Seek help before the overwhelm and balance the many expectations that he has for himself and the college scene puts on freshmen? Did I tell him everything I wanted to? I managed somehow – guess I will find out.

In the meantime, with any transition, it will take some time to establish my new relationship to myself and to the family.

It is never-the-less a time that will have me reflecting on my college years, choices and reminiscing about those special times with my roommates. How important was the school I picked and how well did I take the privilege of higher education and make a great life for myself? Now I am thinking about how I wish to spend my time as the kids grow and move on. What are my dreams and desires now?

In the end, it is all about trust for me that they are ready to fly and that they are eager to know themselves, develop deep friendships, have great experiences and come out with skills and abilities – having taken full advantage of the opportunities – with confidence and skills to find meaningful and sustainable work. That they can and will fail and that they are resilient! It is a time to celebrate all that they are becoming and the love and support that has been available to them. It is also a time to remember how to let go and practice trusting the continued unfolding of this amazing being.

So, that brings me to the art of letting go and how I help myself with this. Meditation, therapy, and bath salts (these are all about letting go – the art of taking a warm bath and watching things go down the drain after a good hot relaxing soak). Classes and continued education (thinking about joining with other ladies offering nurturing services); walks and tea with the ladies; and my new business.

Look on my website for upcoming classes – also feel free to contact me with ideas/suggestions for care packages (might include a little bottle of rosemary for those test taking students and/or some lavender something for calm and relaxation).

Wishing everyone transitioning an easy and peaceful go of it.