Lifting Up Your Inner Child

I’m human, scared at times. Fear has taken me on many a ride!  This montage image reminds me of the mothering that I need to and can give myself.

Being able to look back on myself as a little girl when I felt carefree, safe, provided for, and happy. Those childhood memories that I can longingly recall, bring me back to playing in nature and having a strong connection to the natural world.

I saw an image that inspired me to explore the concept of mothering myself – especially when my biological mother is no longer in physical form. There are times when life feels hard and overwhelming and I want to curl up into someone’s arms, to feel supported, held and unconditionally loved. The suffering we can feel when we don’t believe that there’s somebody there to support us has sent me on a quest towards that self-love and nourishment through all these healing modalities to find my own core strength and guidance. Some of the things that have been particularly helpful have been meditations, time in nature, and receiving energy work. But, it is also what informs and inspires my work in holding space for the “little girl / inner child” in all of us!