Reiki for Stress Reduction and Focus

Holidays can be stressful. Make reiki a part of your practice for stress reduction.
I can’t believe that I actually gave away reiki sessions the last two weeks.  I tell others not to do that–reiki is an exchange, and practitioners need to value themselves and their time, but I found it so very rewarding to do so.  Not only did I receive wonderful and supportive feedback, but I was also in a more receptive place. I could feel comfortable letting go of the perfect session with the perfect outcome.A dog could bark, and a bird could fly into the window, and I could be okay with it all because I was not so worried about thinking that the client paid for a particular experience that I had in mind. I also felt freer to explore my style.  Fewer expectations=more fun and freedom to listen more deeply, overcome the self-doubt talk, and to offer something that will make sense to the person receiving. Reiki is interesting that way in that I get to trust that the client will get exactly what he/she needs at the time.

There can be much benefit from allowing yourself an opportunity to slow down and receive. Three or more sessions are better. I have been given sessions at super reasonable rates, and I hope to be able to offer that as an option to people, as well.