If you have ever received a Reiki session at my Boulder studio, you might know how wonderfully relaxing it can be. Although Reiki isn’t about curing or fixing anything, a sacred space is created between the person on the table,…

If you have ever received a Reiki session at my Boulder studio, you might know how wonderfully relaxing it can be. Although Reiki isn’t about curing or fixing anything, a sacred space is created between the person on the table,…
“We serve life, not because it is broken, but because it is holy” — Mother Theresa I walk into the Boulder Elements Spa location (a partner with LifeSpark) and wait for my client. She arrives with a smile and I…
Blair’s Herbals products at the Boulder Farmer’s Market were featured in a recent article on AboutBoulder.com – This is Blair’s Herbals fifth season at the Boulder Farmer’s Market, and owner Blair Chandler was very excited to share information about some of her…
Awakening to the Reiki energy is a truly blessed path, and this path has two main entry points: energy healing sessions and Reiki trainings. I first experienced Reiki as a recipient of Reiki sessions with local Reiki practitioners. I had…
I‘m ready to move beyond the fear–to move in ways that are freeing to my soul. I want to bask in beauty and to feel the warmth of my own inner knowing. I care to align with nature and to…
This neighborhood duck, named Dolphin, was almost a duck dinner. She missed the group message recently to come in to the coop for safety. There was a ruckus outside that alerted the neighbors that all was not well at 11pm…
Do you love your Reiki sessions? Do you want to delve further into what Reiki can mean for you in your life? I’m offering a new opportunity to join me in an Reiki 1 training course and apprenticeship. Engage and…
What can you expect? Well, there is no “typical” session, and that is part of the beauty and mystery of Reiki. It is a experience that begins as soon as you arrive and it unfolds exactly as it is meant to unfold…
Reiki is not a practice that is designed to cure or otherwise heal–it is a strong ally for supporting one on their own personal healing journey. It can offer reassurance and it can offer space for ones own intelligence to…
The practice of Reiki is hard to explain. You almost have to experience it for yourself. I have heard folks describe it as a way to “reboot” their body. For me, it is a gentle reassurance that things are moving, that my…