The Entrepreneurial Spirit

Blair’s Herbals was founded about five years ago and is growing each year. I was called to start my own business when my experimentation with herbal crafting started to touch every corner of our home, was feeding my creative streak, and filling my heart with joy. I started getting requests for lip balms, salves and herbal vinegars. This activity of creating “skin and soul care” products with my own backyard plants was bringing me so much happiness. Combining my love of the outdoors with plant education and community service seemed natural to me, and how fun to imagine touching people in such a wholesome way through my Reiki-infused product line.

Blair's Herbals ProductsI was not equipped nor was I particularly excited to jump back into a traditional job after twenty plus years as a stay at home mother, but continuing to support our family required additional income. I also knew I wanted to create a vision for myself after my kids grew up and moved out of the house. So, I tapped into this passion I have of working intentionally with plants, song, and herbal crafting to create my own healthy and natural skin products for me and my family. I shared my products with a few friends and it has organically grown into the business it is today.

BH’s is a company with just one employee (me) but I do get a lot of support from my boys. Each year, I get more clarity around the numbers, vision and goals. I have invested a lot in market research and product development and branding, and most would characterize this as a classic “bootstrapped” company. All of this has been a fantastic learning experience. I am currently a regular vendor every Saturday from April through November (approx. 33 weeks a year) at the #1 ranked national outdoor farmers market so I can really understand what customers want. I currently have an online presence on Etsy and Elephant Journal Marketplace (an eco conscious online community). I have products in a retail venue as well, Lucky’s Market, a local and rapidly expanding grocery store.

How did I get started? Was I always into good, clean living? Ummm, no, not exactly. I grew up on a farm outside of NYC, but always felt a little disconnected from the land. I had allergies and I preferred the comfort and ease of the convenience stores and pharmacies. I reflect back now and realize the gift I had that I lived so close to the land and ate our own homegrown foods.

20+ years ago and newly married, my husband and I headed West to Colorado. We landed in Boulder and would soon be starting a family. I knew Boulder would change me, but I was not prepared for how big and profound this change would be. Our first visit to a family doctor made it clear that my health was my responsibility; he would do what I wanted, but really the ball was in my court. I was astounded. But…but… I had never thought of having a voice in my own health process. After being so dependent on family doctors, I was really uncomfortable with his message at first, but then, I was ready to learn more. Boulder, I quickly discovered, had a wealth of resources, and so I began this path of my own healing journey. My days of McDonalds fries and Friendly Fribbles with my childhood friends would come to a crashing halt. I was now ready to support myself in the best possible way. I felt a true and deep responsibility for my children’s well-being. I became a huge label reader and scrutinized even the products on the shelves in the natural food stores. I took an herbal class or two and started learning about the value of backyard herbs and how to use them. I was hooked. Making my own products and taking responsibility for my own health and wellness became my focus. I was on a path towards self empowerment. I had gentle natural choices to support my family. Reiki healing would soon become another tool for working with energy and wellbeing.

Blair's Herbals OilsMy motivation to start transforming my attitudes and beliefs around what it means to be healthy has not only shifted my relationship to nature and healing, but has inspired others as well. There are so many chemicals and toxins in our foods and in the environment and it is essential that we begin to look at the impact in our lives of all that in and on our bodies. Once we have started with cleaning up our diet, the next step is to address our skin care products. I speak with many people who are on their own healing journeys and wanting to find alternatives to what they have been using. I found people were interested in a clean and simple life-giving feel in their products –nothing extra. They were trusting me with knowing that I care not only about the highest quality ingredients, but they were happy with the products.

This business helps me express my core values of beauty, truth and transparency while appealing to a wider market. I want to know what it is I am putting in and on my body and trust it. I want to encourage people to look at their self care and support them to make self care a priority. “When mom ain’t happy. ain’t nobody happy”.  I want products out there that people will use again and again because they can feel the difference–they can feel the energy of the plants and the intention and the time and love that go into the craft. Experience a warm bath through bath salts and let go of the day’s worries and concerns. Apply Lip balms, salves, and oils and allow ourselves to be touched and nourished deeply with each application. to touch ourselves and feel the nourishing effect right away. Paying attention to how we love ourselves with what we put in and on our bodies begins with self love. Self love is part of my personal journey and a path of healing for many I have encountered over the years.

Blair’s Herbals– products that nourish from skin to soul. Made in Boulder for BOLDer women (and men). I love my work! For more information and a full product line, please visit and visit my FB page.