The Essence of Self Care

Self care is divine. It is our birthright. It is a loving action.

What we put in and on our bodies reflect this. There is a vibrancy, a life force that is reflected when one is taking care of him/herself. It is easy to be attracted to that energy.

It looks good and feels good. I know it to be a sense of love that doesn’t come from “other” or “mother” any more. It is something that I give to myself now; it is what I hope will enable me to have a healthy and active life in my later years and to embrace all of life. It is a way of being in integrity with my body, mind and actions. It is vitally important to me in how I care for and feed myself and my family.

All too often, I feel I give my power away and have someone else tell me how I am feeling, what I am thinking, how I should look, what I should eat. It didn’t even cross my mind how often I do that until that one doctor visit in my early 30’s. The doctor said, “Well… what is it that you want me to do?” I was surprised that he wasn’t poking, prodding and going through the routine exams I was accustomed to. I left feeling ripped off that for $125 I got nothing. In fact, I got everything. I got the reminder that self care is my responsibility and that I have to invest in my wellness and start to pay attention to what I put in and on my body. Others’ advice, expertise, and opinions are so valuable as a part of my education, but ultimately, I am practicing how to be with that information so that I can integrate what I think is best for me at this time.

This is perhaps the big message I took home the day of that doctor visit and continue to live by. No, I am not perfect, I have my moments of “falling off the wagon”, and information changes all the time, but for the most part, I am mindful about my choices and by allowing myself to be open, I have experienced different healing modalities that honor supporting my body’s innate sense of balance.

DSC06252Taking ownership of my health and wellbeing belongs in my court. Yes, there is value in seeking others to assist when I am stuck, tired or otherwise unable to improve.

As companies get bought out, and more and more are owned by big corporations, I ask myself if I know what it is that I am ingesting or applying to my skin. Skin is the largest organ and often it is the place where we can detect when our bodies are overcome with toxins and are trying to eliminate them. The skin can express itself–dry, oozy, scratchy, etc. These can be conditions that can be connected to a sensitivity to foods and or chemicals in certain products.

So, at the end of the day, I want my skin and soul to be glowing. How about you? Is peace of mind a want or a need? For me, there’s no question that is is a need.

Investment in my health and wellbeing is one that I am willing to make. There is no going back (sorry Johnson and Johnson — no more of your baby powder for me!) My self care rituals just become incorporated in the mindfulness of taking care of myself, my family, my larger family, and Mother Earth.