What’s in a name?

Veil PaintingI’m scrambling to remember what painting I did that I titled “winged flight”. Yup, I am not sure I know which painting I had entered into a show a while back that I just learned was accepted. Being new to this art world, I was excited to enter any and all exhibits. I watch and take in the advice of the more experienced artists, but I am really not prepared for all that must be done to show your work like a pro. There is much that has to accompany the prospectus–like a name, for instance. I wasn’t thinking too much about names — I just quickly titled the three pieces and submitted my art. Problem is — the paintings that are submitted have to be the ones that you show up with. There are no exchanges allowed.

I have three very different paintings that very size that could all be called “winged flight”. The others ones are “Metamorphous” sometimes called “Woodland Fairie” and “Owls” or “Who is watching” or “Wise owl party”. They are not very original names–just meant to hold the space until I could really find ones that I could live with, be excited about, and even enhance the art. When I did not hear back right away, I assumed I was not accepted and proceeded to throw away the paperwork. Now I am at a loss-laughing at my hastiness and that my exuberance got the best of me.

Veil Painting

Naming takes time. Anyone who has named a child, a pet, and/or a car knows that there is much to a name and a name can make (or break) that finishing touch! I didn’t want to rush the process. The show deadlines, however, had me jumping. So, off to this venue with not a clue as to what paintings I am bringing with me. It is not a great way to make an impression as I step into this art scene. Those with experience know how important it is to have the professional signage, etc.  Oops 🙂

Veil Painting

I fall in love my my paintings. I love every step–working with color, finding motif, coming to a place of rest. Then more fun happens when I take them to be framed and I get to sign them. I pick out the mat, glass and frame. Oh my. They come alive for me and I fall in love again! But what to name them? That is hard….. and yet, I suppose, as important as all the other steps along the way.

In the meantime, I have just posted images of many of my veil paintings on my gallery page. Please check it out, and contact me if you are interested in ordering prints!