Please check out my backyard video showing my techniques for infusing apple cider vinegar with local herbs.
Reiki for Stress Reduction and Focus
Holidays can be stressful. Make reiki a part of your practice for stress reduction. I can’t believe that I actually gave away reiki sessions the last two weeks. I tell others not to do that–reiki is an exchange, and practitioners…
Waldorf School’s Winter Faire and Holiday Bazaar – Come visit!
Saturday, December 7th, 2013 | 9:00am-4:00pm
Boulder Farmer’s Market Reflections 2013
33 of the 34 Saturday markets were actually quite decent weather-wise–not too windy, usually a bit chilly in the early part of the day and warming by noon; not a lot of rain or snow. Way better than last year with six rainy Saturdays in a row. This year the epic Front Range flooding affected the latter part of the season for many of the vendors and farmers who had significant losses and damage to their farms. We all felt the impact at the market, yet we did our best to support each other. Interesting to me to feel how we operate independently, but our success depends on helping others to be successful.
Visit us at Harlequin’s Gardens Holiday Gift Market
Please visit us!
Organic Holiday Gifts & More!
I’m excited to announce my holiday gift collections!
My Garden, My Home
People tell me all the time that I must have a beautiful garden. And, I do.
Bees as My Teachers
This time last year, I was assessing my bee hives to see if they were strong going into winter.