Reiki Defined

What if…
I offered you an invitation to go within, to shine your light on the inner being of your soul—to explore the landscape of hurts, wounding and beliefs that might be considered unchangeable and untouchable? You are seeking more ease in your life, inner peace and a different way to step into your full potential whether through a trial of some kind or just out of curiosity.

What if…
Reiki helped you to see the places where you have layered up protection, you have hidden your hurts and shut down your feelings?

What if…
Reiki energy could bathe the most deepest darkest parts of yourself with the gentlest of love to remove that which no longer serves and can bring forth your original blueprint of goodness, helping you to have more clarity and lightness in your being? What if you receive the magic and mystery in your own experience of dropping into a supportive, non-judgmental place?

What if…
Reiki, in its divine way, allows you to trust in something bigger than yourself–your true essence and to feel the higher vibration of love in a way that brings you closer to the truth of your situation? Reiki is said to do no harm because you know what you need and true deep healing can’t be forced and is honored without attachment to outcome.

I would consider Reiki a must in order to live in your full potentiality of life. It has been and continues to be essential in my own healing journey of body, mind and spirit.

Book today or contact me with your questions.