Reiki for “Monkey Mind”

“Monkey mind” is a Buddhist term meaning:

“unsettled; restless; capricious; whimsical; fanciful; inconstant; confused; indecisive; uncontrollable.”

I create my own suffering.

I have been told that over and over again. Is that really true? Unbeknownst to me at times, I have high expectations and therefore disappointment after disappointment in my life. I never really connected the dots before but OMG, I am in a constant state of mental anguish when I feel that others don’t measure up. I have such judgement at times. Yikes. Not such a pretty picture for an energy worker, but at least I now know that I have to work my mind so my mind doesn’t work me. And, knowing it personally, I can relate to others with compassionate understanding of how exhausting and unsettling it can be to live in that state.

Over the years, I have tried meditations and such. The only time I can really know that my world stands still is when I have a nature moment—a sighting of an animal, a sighting of a sunset sky—then all things fall away for a moment. The other place I get that feeling is on a Reiki table with a heart centered practitioner.

The way my mind works and the way I think serve me sometimes but less and less these days. I want freedom from the teeth of judgement; I want peace from worry and acceptance of myself and others. I am tired and tired of feeling crappy.

Certain kinds of therapy have helped. Mostly, it is the practice of dropping the story I have around how things should be and encountering situations, events, people anew and thereby allowing myself to have the possibility of a different reaction or experience.

Getting out of my head and into my heart is something I try to do more and more. I understand the heart to be an organ of perception and one that has the capacity to read and understand situations faster and more accurately than the head. It’s from that place that I want to be in touch with and operate from.

I give my clients that opportunity to let go of looping mind. As soon as they lie on the table, the invitation to drop the busy monkey mind is there. As a client recently told me “the best gift you give me is helping me move from my head into my heart. It is changing my life and I am so grateful.”

Book your session…and get some blessed relief.. a staycation! under 2 hours.