Sleeping and Dreaming Herbs

Hops (Humulus lupulus)

Dream Sachet I can’t think of hops without thinking beer! Hops is a known sedative (a sleeping aid). It grows happily in our yard, covering the chicken coop with its reaching tentacles, the flowers or pestles dangling from the vines.  The flowers are green in late summer and then turn brown. It pairs well with a sweet smelling herb as the smell of hops alone is apt to keep you up at night; it is pungent, musky and it has a similar smell to cannabis sativa since it comes from the same family.

Passion Flower (Passiflora spp.)

Here is another relaxing herb to support sleep and dreams. It is common to see this gentle herbal ally in combinations to support deep inner peace.

Mugwort (Artemesia vulgaris)

This mystical “weed” is sometimes also called Croneswort, and she has a strong connection to the feminine and those in their wisdom years. Infused in vinegar, this plant has been said to support bone health. Taken internally, the unseen world is accessible through dreaming, although it is best to be respectful and use cautiously if looking to explore prophetic and visionary dreaming. Mugwort is also considered a protector, keeping one safe from the dark forces and has a history of being used in divination rites.

Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora)

My experience with skullcap started with my son’s night terrors. This plant was recommended to me because of its effect on the nervous system, and its ability to drop one into a deeper sleep.  It worked for us and now I am a big believer of the power of this calming plant to help one drop into that deeper sleep state. I have taken this herb in tincture and in tea form.

Using Herbs for Sleep & Dreaming

DreamcatcherHerbs work best when used intentionally.  For sleep and dream aids, squeeze the herbal sachet and invite in a gentle and loving peaceful nighttime experience. Ask the herbs for protection and allow the herbs to assist the ritual of transitioning to and from a deep and nourishing sleep state.

As with all herbs, if you have any reaction or discomfort, stop immediately and consult a physician. Knowing how and when best to benefit from the healing potential/properties of the herbs is very individual journey.

Check out my online store for my latest herbal products and read more about my favorite herbs!