The Teacher and The Student

I can paint—we all can, but what does it mean to show up ready to learn from a master painter? Every August, for the past 9 years, I have shown up as an art student for 4 or 5 days in Crestone— willing to be vulnerable, open, exposed by how I meet the paper and the colors in front of me. What I paint tells her a lot about me —it is a very intimate process—just me and the freshly stretched blank canvas to start with (and the color yellow—more colors are added as the retreat goes on).

Could I be gentle with myself? Forgiving? Compassionate? I would soon find out. That first paint application—too light? Was I leaving a hard edge? Hearing the instructions and then doing it would prove to be difficult and require a fair amount of focused concentration. I felt that giddy feeling come over me, followed by the critical one, and then back to the voice that said pace yourself and slow down, trust. And then her voice reminds me to “paint from my heart” — soul work!!

l didn’t want this big painting to go the way of the one last year—worked and reworked and maybe into the trash? I willed myself to not have a block —she gently reminds us all that blocks are normal and she has them—and the exercises she started with were designed specifically so we could let go and relax. I would go on my own roller coaster of emotions pushing past my comfort zones to expose new and better art than I have created. I had to be bold and that takes courage.

Even when our tendency is to compare and contrast our work with others’, a good teacher steers us towards our self-discovery and learning process. The pride in my finished pieces spoke to my willingness to go deep with the instruction—to want to grow—to ask for help—to receive that help—to take risks, to integrate it—and to own my art process. Wow!

It was quite a journey this year. As a student, I can say I am grateful for the holding and the direction of my teacher and guide. In this case, Jennifer, who with a warm and gentle hand, helped me to stretch and grow. Every year, she notices how my art is changing and growing more balanced and integrated and she challenges me to be my best self. I have learned so much about myself.

Most importantly, the willingness to be a student helps me to be a better Reiki and herbalism teacher because I am reminded of what it feels like to be in a safe learning environment—encouraged and supported to succeed. I focus on having enough confidence to be genuinely excited for my students to excel and find joy in the process.

I draw on my own inspirations and guidance from my own inner work to inspire your journeys. When you join me for Earth-centric Reiki training courses in Boulder or a simple Reiki healing session, you’ll get the guidance to support the parts of yourself that need to shed, and knowledge of the things that need to be enhanced. My goal is to awaken your awareness towards becoming a more balanced version of your best self.
