Whats it like to volunteer with LifeSpark?

It’s a reality check, amazing, difficult, easy, provocatively inspiring and soul enriching. I could go on. And on.

As a volunteer, I recognize that I have to take regular time for my own self care—to reset with my own nature based and breathing practices. But when and where I can offer my time in service I do because I get so much back.

I am deeply and irreversibly touched by the many participants I am blessed to get to know intimately in such a short period of time. Their willingness to go deep in the first session is a testament to the trust they have in what they have been told about the power of Reiki and Healing Touch presence in this 8 week journey together.

When a participant is actively engaged in their process and they realize that there is safety to go to places and touch deep wounds, magic happens. It just does.

The curiosity, vulnerability, interest, reflections, realness, and feedback are insightful and generally healing for both of us. The changes I observe in just 8 short weeks together is usually but not always transformational. It is what it is and it is nice to be part of someones most personal life story of dreams lost and longings.

The raw authentic conversations are treasures in a world where life is so fast paced and we are safe on the surface of shallow passings but this place of facing what is most important and sorting and sifting through the business of where attentions were placed is where things get very real and very interesting to me.

I am very grateful for the lessons I learn and the reminders of how to live my best life and prioritize my heart. Every time, i agree to sign up for a match, I am signing up for something indescribably wonderful and intense. Make no mistakes, taking someones personal inventory is also taking mine.