Reiki sessions in 2020!

What is the vision I hold for my work? Where exactly is my practice going? I have a sense of what I want—annual vision boards help me get clearer. If I am honest with myself, though, I don’t really know. I am trusting that in time, as I continue to show up for myself and my small, steady and loyal clientele, it will be revealed to me where I need to be and how it will look. It certainly would be nice to have that crystal clarity, but patience and commitment are creating a solid foundation for expansion. I travel this road with a certain humility driving me to question everything—what exactly I am supposed to be doing at this time in my life?

For right now, I am very pleased and happy with my awesome healing office space in central Boulder. I have added Reiki treatment of pets this year to my practice, and I have taken my “Roaming Reiki” business to homes nearby to visit patients unable to come in for treatments. My passion for healing touch practice is growing, morphing and finding its way to be a big part of how I show up and share my creative and artistic gifts in my community. Consistent and positive feedback is one way I can know I am doing what I am supposed to be doing.

For me, it is all about being flexible and open to what is needed in any given moment. I couldn’t possibly script a session-much less my next day, and I have learned, the more I let go, the more the magic can enter in. BINGO! No BIG promises—no unrealistic expectations—and yet…I am proud to be in service to my loyal clients and I am currently accepting new ones 🙂

My guiding philosophy

I trust the unfolding and the timing for my work to reach those who most appreciate and understand /or are open to an experience of the Divine in their own healing process. Whether it is on the mental, emotional or spiritual level, I hold in my heart your deepest intentions and offer that up for the highest good of all those involved. Simply put, I am not in control but I strive to understand and listen deeply for what the client is really asking for.

Pure compassion for your journey: with so much vulnerability being shared and so much courage, it is essential that I have my own practice that supports me in supporting you. I do not want to have more clients than I can practically hold.

I see myself as a life-long learner—a seeker for understanding and improvement. My goal is to bring the head and the heart learning a little closer together for me. I struggle a bit with the science/left brained part of this field, but I get the heart part and deep knowing part.

I find I get to hold space for the unexpected. Nothing fancy. No bells and whistles—just good old down-to-earth heart-centered presence. I find I get to support the stillness within that can inform the client of how to tune in to their own rhythms. I find that my mind quiets and I can enter into… a peaceful receptive and expansive state.

Despite all the workshops and continued learning, I come back to some simple tenets:

Have respect for the person who has just walked through the door and who gets on the table.
Deeply listen/deeply observe for how the story matches what the clients energy body/field is showing.

Be accepting of all situations—new or long term.

Don’t assume you can fix an illness and don’t take credit for any healing that happens.
Honor the support that the client relates to and if appropriate, see and feel gratitude for all the sentient light beings, master teachers and guides- who come together for the highest good of all those involved

Celebrate the joy for the sacred dance that is danced.

Ethical considerations are paramount for creating sacred and safe space for healing to occur

Commitment to doing my own clearing and centering so as to be a clear conduit and a clear channel for energy to flow through me—sessions should not be draining.

Continually trust in the work …because it works and there are scientific papers to confirm that!

Healing does not need to be complicated. I don’t take classes to add more bells and whistles to my work but more because I learn from others students and feel supported in this larger community of light workers. I am curious how the medical community is integrating complementary care and prescribing sessions for faster healing, less pain and other reasons and I want to be part of the vision of integrating wisdom from a variety of traditions.

So, for personal and global healing sessions… try Reiki, and as I say to the first timers, “who doesn’t benefit from time on the table to deeply relax and find some stillness within?”

I keep my schedule purposely spacious at times so that you can have the space and time to receive and integrate without feeling so rushed. This work isn’t so straightforward. A lot of time and thought goes into the session before you even lie on the table. Although difficult to actually market—unlike massage—this work can be extremely beneficial for most people.

I had invested a lot of time and money into my personal growth last year. Classes/workshops in conscious death and dying and an art and dream retreat and precious time with family after the deaths of my father and an uncle. Life influences and helps my work grow and change to meet my clients personally and help them face ever-changing stressors in their worlds—putting their feet back underneath them so to speak. We help one another in that way.

Hope to see you this year!